Scratched Quartz Benchtop? An Easy-Fix Tutorial

If you've had a new quartz benchtop fitted as part of your latest kitchen remodelling project, you'll need to know how to keep it looking as good as new.  Although quartz is very durable, it can be susceptible to scratches that occur during everyday use.  Here's how to remove minor surface scratches without leaving a trace!

What you'll need

  • ammonia-based surface cleaner
  • soft bristle brush
  • cloths
  • super glue
  • razor blade

How to do it

  1. The first thing you'll need to do before attempting to remove any scratches is to clean the benchtop thoroughly.  To do this, give the surface a thorough spray with ammonia-based surface cleaner, and then give it a good scrub down, using a soft bristle brush and warm water.  Wipe the surface down to remove any residual water and dry it thoroughly with a clean cloth.  
  2. Now go over the benchtop thoroughly to find any scratches or cracks.  Carefully fill each with a small amount of super glue, trying not to end up with excessive amounts of overspill.  
  3. Allow the glue to dry completely, preferably overnight or for a full day to be on the safe side.  
  4. No matter how careful you've been, it's almost certain that there will be a few blobs of glue on parts of the benchtop that weren't scratched, as well as a small overflow from the blemished areas.  You'll need to get rid of this excess glue before proceeding, and the easiest way to do this is by removing the dried glue with a razor blade. Hold the razor blade at an angle of about 45 degrees so that it is flush with the benchtop.  Very gently scrape away the glue to lift off the excess, taking care to keep the blade flat so that you don't accidentally add more scratches to the benchtop.  
  5. Finish off the job by applying more ammonia-based cleaner to the benchtop and using a clean, dry cloth to wipe the surface down again.  This should get rid of any bits of glue that were left behind, leaving your quartz benchtop smooth and looking new again.

In conclusion

You can remove any small scratches and minor damage to your quartz benchtop by following the guidelines given above.  For advice on repairing more severe chips and large cracks, have a chat with your remodelling contractor.  Some damage can be repaired successfully, although for major structural issues, you may have to consider replacing your benchtop with a new one.
